Phoenix the Vizsla

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Phoenix and Cody: Two Vizslas

So, as you know, I've been taking data on Phoenix as he grows. I decided it would be interesting to compare him to another vizsla pup (Cody) who is a little bit older. Cody's owner graciously agreed to letting me analyze her data and compare Phoenix. Although they are not related at all (Phoenix being an east coast doggie and Cody being of the western clans)... They have remarkedly similar growth patterns. I think this is way cool!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Phoenix Growth Curve II

We went to the vet to get some tick repellant and I had a chance to weigh Phoenix again. His newest point added to his growth curve strongly suggests that his growth curve is following a linear course, contrary to previous hypotheses. I'll keep gathering the data to further investigate this phenomenom.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The 4-month old Vizsla

Phoenix is 4 months old now. He has been making very good progress. His list of commands that he obeys is quite long, including come, sit, lay, stay, off (get off the couch), leave it, drop it, wait (off leash stop), this way (off leash change directions to follow us), heel (even off leash!), jump, find alex, find lexi, hurry up, and crate. His recall is even good in the presence of other dogs or other fun things. We're extremely proud.

Unfortunately, he still pees in the house on occasion. I think to get our attention. We've begum scolding him more harshly when we catch him. It might be working. This weekend he has had less accidents. I know he can hold it longer, since he sleeps through the night and in his crate for 4.5-5hrs. Hopefully he'll be good for our friends who are puppy sitting him next weekend while we go to a friend's wedding out of state!