Phoenix the Vizsla

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Phoenix the Model

Recently, we entered Phoenix into a photo contest for Kong dog toys. We had several modelling shoots with Phoenix and narrowed the photos down to 5 that we liked. We then sent those photos to several select friends to help us choose. The two photos with the most votes were submitted to Kong. A couple days ago, I found out that we won the grand prize! Kong used both of the photos in their promotional marketing materials, one as the header and the other photo that won the prizes. Here's a link to photos. The grand prize was $500 and a large Kong gift basket. We've been debating how to use the $500. One camp is that Phoenix should get it in the form of days at daycare where he loves to romp and play with the other dogs. The other camp is that I could buy some furniture from Ikea. We'll see what happens in the coming days.